Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Idea: Off-Topic Saturdays


(Don't mind the code above, it's just a technorati claim code. Nothing to see here. Move on down for the actual post.)

Okay, so as my wonderful followers know, my blog usually stays focused on World and Technology news.

However, I often find other interesting things I would like to share with you all but they just don't fit the focus of my blog.

So I decided I might try to take one day out of the week(Saturday) to spotlight something other than world and tech news that has caught my interest and would probably catch yours too.

Enter: Off-Topic Saturdays.

So, what do you guys think?

1. Would this be something you'd be interested in?
2. or should I just stick with world and technology news?

Also, lets try it out with something simple for the test run.

This website is one that I frequent when I need to overload on cute.

Good Morning Kitten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click it for instant cute overload.

It delivers you a daily dose of cute kittens. Every. Single. Day.

Alright, usually the "Off-Topic Saturday" will be more in depth about something interesting I found on the World Wide frontier.

So let me know what you think.



Brandon Sample said...

sounds good to me, have at it

Grafted said...

I thinks it's a great idea

Anonymous said...

It's a nice idea to break things up a little.

Also, I love the new template! :D:D

Insider33 said...

I'm all for this, but don't post pictures of cats. Dogs are superior.

Danny Murphy said...

Nice idea, I'm liking the new layout mate

duffboi said...

I'm interested in your idea, but... I dunno about kittens. I kind of have something against something being that cute. I dunno, its just me. I'm weird I guess.

BTN Hip Hop said...

i would be vvery interested, its nice to mix it up a little bit.

Piets said...

i like it :3

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